Thursday, April 9, 2015

Magic Crystals

At first, glance, seem cold and lifeless, but precious stones transmit energy and unsuspected vibrations. Jewels with diamonds, rubies, and turquoise are the true talismans for health and happiness.
For bright and colorful precious gemstones, since ancient times were assigned those properties: curative, visionary and for protection. Old beliefs were preserved in time, and the role of magic stones increased once with the rarity with which they are found. Many of people also today believing in stones power and they wear them regularly.
Formed in millions of years deep in volcanic rocks, flowers of mine or crystals (as are called gems), gathered in their complex structure, the primal energy of the beginning of the world. 
Egyptians, Indians, and Persians were convinced that fascinating stones found in caves have magical powers, that can heal and that can drive away demons, as that they can reveal the future or they can send the message of people to the Divinity. 
Today, science has shown that the gems are not only decorative, but they have a lot of properties and practical applications. Some generate magnetic fields, other creates energy, some help in medical therapies, other help convey information.

*  The magic effect of crystals  *

Healers from ancient China consider the effects of vibrations and crystals are closely related to their color. Therefore they divided into three categories according to their inside fire :

* Hot stones, which give off a hot glow, such as pink, red, orange or gold (ruby, red topaz, agates, opal, citrine, sapphire).

* Neutral stones, who aren't so shiny and have shades close to Earth (agates, pyrite) and crystals with shades of green (emerald, tourmaline, sapphire, peridot)

* Cold stones, white, blue, gray or black have bright and clear shine  (diamonds, quartz, opal, onyx, aquamarine, sapphire)

     From all stones known in Antiquity, the oldest and the most precious have their special meanings:

* Golden citrine brings wealth, good luck in marriage and banish worries;

* Purple Amethyst means harmony, peace, and safety; have the calming effects on the sick;

* Diamond signifies wealth and strength and brought brilliance in life to the wearer; gemstone was associated with perseverance and ambition, due to its hardness;

* Sapphire deep blue means honesty, loyalty, and honor; on the other side, Sapphire symbolizes pure love and was often used for engagement rings;

* Green emerald was the symbol of eternity and beauty of nature; he protects the wearer from envy and evil thoughts and from the influence of demons; was also the stone of hope and love, is often used for engagement and wedding jewelry;

* Turquoise means prosperity and happiness and have great power over the body; the wearer  enjoying the energy, vitality and a high tonus;

* Ruby have the intense color of passion and desires; the stone was synonymous with courage, boldness, courage, and impulsiveness;

* Agate protect the peace of mind and take away the worries; because of pearlescent appearance, this stone, worn especially by women's, was associated with sensitivity, emotions and pure beauty.

* How do you choose the right stone?  *

It's said that each of us has a particular stone that protects, who bring luck, who forbid from diseases.It's best to choose a jewelry with that stone to wear it almost every day.To choose the best gem uses the old method of the alchemists.If you have more jewelry with stones in the house, then put them in a circle and put a candle in the center.Look inside of each stone and that shines most intensely, the one that sends you her inner fire will be the chosen.
The brightness of colorless stones will bring you happiness and health, the inner fire from a red stone indicates luck in love and the light from yellow or green stones show wish fulfillment.If you choose a black stone as onyx, it symbolizes inner strength, and if you choose a blue stone, the marriage and family life will be protected.

*  How to wear jewelry?  *

Rings, earrings, and medallions who are adorned with gemstones are the jewels with the strongest effect upon us. Rings or bracelets with beneficial stones should be worn on the right hand to repel negative energies.On the left hand should be worn stones which give energy and thus have a direct correspondence with the heart.
Earrings with gems acts on the mental, restore balance, creative energy, and the work power.Therefore, it's best to choose stones that have such properties when you buy a new pair of earrings. 
Regarding medallions with beneficial stones, they should be worn directly on the skin to have the effect.Blue and white stones are suitable for silver pendants because they combine the healing properties of the white metal with the balance of cold colors.Gold mount requires warm stones as red, pink or gold to spread well-being specify for these crystals.


  1. intr-adevar si pietrele pretioase au istoria lor si sunt pline de curiozitati . E frumos sa stim cat mai multe lucruri despre aceste minuni ale naturii . Diutza .

    1. Da asa este Diutza :) Ma bucur ca ti-a placut subiectul despre magia pietrelor pretioase .

  2. Very nice item about the gems can not wait to put something on the blog.


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