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Stress is a natural reaction of the body against a change and can't be avoided entirely. In normal amounts, stress is good: make us react (fight or flight) in the face of danger. Problems arise when stress is constant and stressful breaks between episodes disappear completely.
Chronic long-term effects of stress on health are multiple and far from be neglected. That's because stress affects the body from head to toe, so resulting headaches, digestive problems, hypertension, insomnia, skin problems, obesity, depression, etc. Also, out of control, stress can worsen pre-existing conditions. It is essential, therefore, to find suitable methods, even resorting to professional help, to effectively manage stress and avoid overlapping of adverse health effects.
Food cravings
A number of studies have linked cortisol hormone secreted in abundance in times of stress, the craving for fatty and sweet. Explication? Experts believe that this hormone binds to receptors of the brain responsible for controlling food intake. And the effect is even more pronounced, apparently, which the body weight is higher.
Accumulation of fat
Weight gain, another unintended consequence of stress is generated not only by eating chaotic. but also the effect of cortisol on body fat. More specifically, it would seem that this hormone increases the amount of fat that accumulates in the body. In addition, increase the size of fat cells. Even more dangerous is the fact that this phenomenon affects a considerable extent belly fat, the most dangerous type for the health.
Heart attack
Exact correlation between stress and heart attack has not yet been sort out. But growing evidence suggests that stress has an overwhelming impact on heart health, increasing the risk of such an event. A survey of 200,000 European employees revealed that people with stressful jobs had a 23% higher risk of suffering a heart attack than those not experiencing stress at work.
Source: "Your Farmacy" Magazine
Translation from romanian: Greatest Wonders And Curiosities
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